The Human Immune Monitoring Center (HIMC)
Standard HIMC assays are usually performed on cryopreserved specimens, to allow batching of samples and avoid loss of sensitivity associated with inter-assay variability. An overview of each assay, the associated protocol, and relevant performance data, are found on the above linked pages. Links to all of our standard lab protocols are also collected here:
- Serum processing
- Single cell TCRseq+phenotyping
- Plasma processing-heparin
- Plasma Processing-EDTA
- Preparing CPT tubes for shipping
- PBMC processing-heparin
- PBMC procecssing-EDTA
- PBMC processing using SepMate tubes
- PBMC cyropreservation (from spun CPT tubes)
- Collection of granulocytes for DNA isolation
- Whole blood stimulation in cluster tubes
- PAXgene collection & storage
- PAXgene RNA extraction
- Trizol RNA extraction
- Luminex
- Hemagglutinin inhibition (HAI) assay
- Flow cytometry phenotyping
- Intracellular cytokine staining
- CyTOF phenotyping
- phospho-CyTOF
- whole blood phospho-CyTOF
- Phospho-flow-cytokine
- Phospho-flow-BCR/TCR
Protocol Descriptions for Publications:
(by clicking on the following link you will have access to paragraph descriptions of HIMC provided assays to include in your publications)
For more information
Holden T. Maecker, PhD
Director, Human Immune Monitoring Center (HIMC)
phone: 650-723-1671
Stanford School of Medicine
Fairchild Science Bldg, D039
299 Campus Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-5124
fax: 650-498-6345